Amidst holiday cheer, we see tragedy, hardship, and heartache present. Many of us have experienced this in the privacy of our own homes and in the very public happenings in our communities.
Our hearts go out to those in the community of Waukesha, WI, and to others around the world who are experiencing grief and trauma. For these brothers and sisters of ours, joy and peace seem absent in their current circumstances.
As Christians we are called to point those who are struggling to Christ as the Deliverer of true peace. Yet God’s presence can be difficult to see through hardship. During such times, we are also called to serve one another in Christian love, binding up wounds, soothing broken hearts, and providing psychological first aid where it is needed.
You may be in a position to deliver this healing to someone in need right now. We invite you to share the resources below in your circles. As you do so, you are the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus. Perhaps He is using you as an answer to prayers of those who call to Him.
"Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer." - Psalm 4:1
Sometimes the need escalates beyond what a good friend, parent, pastor, or teacher can handle. A certain percentage of people who experience trauma will be adversely impacted and should receive professional intervention in support of their long-term mental health. The counselors of Christian Family Solutions are on site offering this for those in Waukesha this week, and we continue to do this privately for people every day as we meet with clients in individual sessions.
Please pray for strength for these “front line workers” who deliver comfort and compassion whenever and wherever needed. They themselves humbly pray for wisdom and clarity as they apply their expertise in a hurting world. We trust that Jesus is near in times of trouble, and He will help each one of us help each other to overcome present circumstances.
Supportive Resources:
We know that when we are confronted by an unexpected crisis that involves tragic violence, like this recent incident in Waukesha, individuals will respond in their own unique ways given their personality and prior life experiences. Read about coping strategies here.
In times of trouble, we provide one another with support. Wondering where God is during times of crisis is normal. This article may help you and your loved ones see God even in times when it is normal to doubt.
You may find yourself wondering what emotional distress looks like and if you or someone you know is experiencing it. Here are signs to help you identify emotional distress.
You may be in a position to help others feel less anxious and afraid. Here are the 5 Principles of Psychological First Aid.