Healthy Friendships Among Seniors | Christian Family Solutions

Healthy Friendships Among Seniors


Healthy friendships are important at every stage in life, but particularly as we age!


Seniors who continue to maintain close friendships:

  • Have longer, more stable personal relationships
  • Have a boosted immunity system
  • Have good physical and emotional health
  • Have improved cognitive functions


Physical benefits of socialization in older adults
Did you know that positive socialization in older adults can have physical benefits? Those who maintain friendships may see the following health benefits:

  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular problems
  • Reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduced risks for mental health issues, such as depression


Social isolation risks
There are also risks that can be associated with those who isolate themselves from healthy relationships:

  • Feeling lonely or depressed
  • Becoming less physically active
  • Greater risk of death
  • Having higher blood pressure


Tips for developing and maintaining healthy friendships:

  • Stay in touch with friends and family on a regular basis, and try to schedule routine visits with them.
  • Volunteer in your community, at your church, or at a local senior center. Pick something you enjoy and seek out opportunities that fit your desires. There are many nonprofits and community organizations that rely on the support of their volunteers because their funds are limited. Volunteers are invaluable to the success of these organizations!
  • Join a group centered on an interest: book club, coffee club, card group, etc.
  • Try taking a “lifelong learning” class. Many colleges and universities allow seniors to take classes for free. Never stop learning!
  • Learn a new language or take cooking classes. Try something new you always wanted to do but never had time for when you were busy working and raising a family.
  • Join a gym or fitness center. Many fitness centers are “age-friendly” and participate in programs that offer reduced rates for seniors.


Would your church or senior group like a full presentation on this topic? We offer a presentation about this topic around the Milwaukee, WI area. For more information, contact us at 888-685-9522 or e-mail sends e-mail).

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