Where is God in Our World Today? - WLCFS


“It’s a scary world out there.”

I’ve heard comments like this repeatedly since the Paris terrorist attacks and the other recent terrorist attacks worldwide. But the world, in fact, has always been a scary place filled with scary people. The Bible says, “From their callous hearts comes iniquity; their evil imaginations have no limits” (Psalm 73:7). It should never surprise us that the world will continue to be a frightening place filled with people who do bad things. God predicts and promises this: “They [people] have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice…they invent ways of doing evil” (Romans 1:29-30).

Are we to cower and hide? No. God’s promises give us a quiet confidence and faith-filled optimism. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Where is God in our world today? He still reigns. He is still in control, and knowing that calms our troubled minds. Knowing that his love for us endures forever, we face the future without fear. Knowing that he is preparing a place in heaven for those who believe in him, we are confident when we live and especially when we die.

A child once commented to me, “Jesus will take care of us…then he’ll take us home to heaven.” It’s that simple. It’s that wonderful. Lord, give us all the faith of a child.


Parents, are you struggling with how to talk about frightening and tragic world events with your children? Our counselor Sheryl Cowling lays out some practical and biblical advice for how to appropriately address crisis events with children. Please click here for that helpful document. And children aren’t the only ones affected by world violence and crisis events. Please click here for a document that helps adults cope with tragic events.

As always, our Christian counselors are a resource to hurting individuals and families, and counseling services can be provided in person at one of our locations, or via secure video from anywhere in the country or world. Contact us at 800-438-1772 or e-mail cfc@wlcfs.org to learn more.

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