Parents, have you noticed how easy it is to get your child up on the first day of school? Your child is so ready to begin a new school year. You all have planned this day out; you went school shopping and prepared for that first day. So, how is it going now?
Somewhere after that first week the newness wears off. Your child doesn’t want to get up and moving any more. It’s a struggle to get everyone dressed, fed and out the door, and you probably are dreading the day that you will have to add finding the boots, mittens, and coats.
This will not be a new and amazing revelation here, but how prepared are you? Are you also struggling to get out of bed and be ready in the mornings? Are you picking out clothes and preparing lunches the night before? Make this a whole family thing. Everyone can pick out what they will wear tomorrow and help make lunches as part of the evening routine.
Are you grumpy in the mornings? Your children probably will follow your lead here! Do you feel like you have tried all of this and nothing seems to work to get your child moving? Try being the announcer for the “get out of bed Olympic event”! Take a large spoon or other pretend microphone, and announce or talk your child through getting up and ready like we hear on sporting events. Make it fun. Do you spend more time doing this? Maybe not. You choose—do you want to spend a little time being a silly announcer or more time yelling and getting frustrated? Start your day off positive and planned to keep everyone moving!